Internet Marketing

Sabtu, 26 April 2008

The Advantages of Online Marketing

The advantages of using an online marketing company for sales, branding and exposure is self-evident. As traditional off-line markets are embracing online marketing to eagerly promote products and services, the need to refine the sales and fulfillment cycles based on supply and demand are a necessity.

To bridge the gap of demographic disparity, search engine marketing specialists are now involved in managing aggressive (organic or sponsored) online marketing campaigns for highly-competitive keywords for their clients on a daily basis.

Instead of business as usual (television, radio, print), companies must now adapt their advertising and marketing efforts to embrace a new breed of web-savvy consumers to secure such ripe online opportunities. This is due to the fact that traditional consumers have shifted the way they perceive, search and acquire information as a result of search engines. To say that the playing field has been leveled in an understatement.

In a matter of months and aggressive online campaign can secure millions of impressions and reach a targeted audience (that converts) as a result of a successful SEO campaign. Keywords thought previously unattainable can now be optimized organically for your site in a matter of months, vs. years of branding using traditional off-line means to reach those same prospects.

Instead of spending 300,000 to launch a new product. With a fraction of the cost using a fair amount of content (300-600 pages developed over time) and strategic positioning, such a company could within a year rival the most competitive national brands through (1) leveraging optimized landing pages (2) targeting an optimal range of keywords (3) acquiring links from authority sources and (4) using the proper tags for a viral social media barrage to kick off a viral backlash of online exposure.When you consider traditional PR (public relations) the emphasis was hinged on the contingent that you reach the largest qualified audience through newspapers, television and publications. The method focused on third party referrals or endorsements from authority columns, TV shows, talk shows or similar mediums.

When Google entered the scene in the 90's, the rules of marketing changed. In 2008, with the advent of bloggers, social media and search engine optimization, you can reach the same prospective users of traditional media (reaching audiences that rival traditional publications) in an environment that is most suitable for conversion (their own computer screen) as a result of content and tags harboring on the brink of their interests.

In the past when the methods for delivering media were limited to television or an occasional article from a monthly or bi-weekly publication, with RSS feeds, social media sites or Google Blog Search you can simply specify the keywords that interest you and have email updates delivered to your computer, PDA or phone as they occur in Google 24 hours a day.

Would you rather spend a few hundred dollars using on online press release service for a national release? or thousands of dollars from a traditional marketing firm to accomplish the same reach and exposure and have to incur the fee of copy writing to boot.

It is this logic that now has businesses searching for more value and reach for leveraging their advertising dollars. Value which is recession-proof and is the new metric as online marketing has become a viable alternative to exorbitant traditional marketing methods.What more could you ask for from the standpoint of conducting business online? Nearly instant analytics and holistic market research are available with the ability to track responses or spy on your competition with just a few keystrokes to glean an innovative new tactic.Online marketing offers ingenious alternatives to the brick and mortar mentality from the if you build it they will come, era. Now with research, creative copy and a landing page, you can test conversion rates at a fraction of the cost of a traditional campaign to see if it is worth leaning into.

Using tags (to seed the search engine result pages), analytics and tracking to gauge conversion and user engagement the new frontier of advertising and promotion. Entering a competitive niche or booming industry has never been easier. Now with a stint of market research, custom content composition and search engine positioning. virtually any phrase with traffic can be optimized.

Creating a buzz through an aggressive link popularity campaign, a timely story (based on search or social media trends) and traffic (as a result of tactful exposure) can result in developing authority for your website which intrinsically has the ability to impact a national audience with a few strategic themed posts or authority back links.

Online marketing serves cater to a vital function, reaching a new breed of consumers that are responsible for reshaping the way the market (and those who engage it) respond to an intelligent, informed and user-centric client that possesses vision, know-how and the ability to impact your brand with the drop of an email or one viral comment in the right place.

By Jeffrey Smith

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